An excerpt of the cubic, orthographic material icon collection for the iOS app “PaintMyMinis”
“It`s a Cacti World” will be a catalog of low poly game assets…
I did some illustrations as well as the titles for the trailer of the very nice animated shortfilm “About Simon”.
“It`s a Cacti World” will be a catalog of low poly game assets…
A portrait series of the short-short story “Aristocrats”.
An excerpt of the cubic, orthographic material icon collection for the iOS app “PaintMyMinis”
A concept design study with a science fiction weapon theme.
Old zBrush model of mine. Gave it a shot on my Ultimaker 2 with PLA. Its 0.08 layer height so there are visible print lines. Its not SLA so Im still pretty happy with the result. Gonna try 0.06 layer heigth soon!
Im very happy that some stillframes of “The Tale Of Mr. Rêvus” is part of the amazing book “Lighting for Animation: The Art …